Global Wind Day 2024: celebrating an inexhaustible energy force

We delve into the significance of wind for humanity and why it is a key element in the planet's decarbonization efforts.
Wind energy on Global Wind Day

Every June 15, the world celebrates one of nature's most powerful and versatile forces on Global Wind Day. This phenomenon, which can manifest itself as a gentle breeze, also sometimes manifests itself with the relentless force of a hurricane.

In its duality, wind stands out as an inexhaustible and clean energy source. It is also a crucial ally in transitioning to a greener future, especially when climate change and industrial decarbonization are among the most pressing global issues.

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Global Wind Day 2024

If we had to make a Top 3 of the resources that have helped man to develop as a species since the beginning of its existence, there would probably be little doubt that the discovery of fire and the invention of the wheel are two of the main keys.

However, there might be hesitation in recognizing the wind's crucial role in human history, possibly because it is a natural resource that didn’t need to be discovered or invented—it was always there, influencing our planet long before humans walked it.

Nevertheless, the importance of wind in human activities and its interaction with the planet's biodiversity is vital. To raise awareness of its significance, we celebrate Global Wind Day every June 15. This date highlights wind energy, its power, and its potential to reshape our energy systems, decarbonize our economies, and boost employment and growth.


The wind, a human history key

What do we owe to the wind? These are just some of the main benefits:

  • Seed transport: Wind plays a crucial role in the pollination of plant species by transporting seeds through the air. This dispersal enables biodiversity and the regeneration of entire ecosystems, ensuring the survival of countless plant species and the animals that depend on them.
  • Moving clouds: Wind is indispensable for the hydrological cycle, moving clouds and facilitating water distribution through rainfall. This atmospheric movement ensures that arid regions receive moisture and that water resources are distributed more equitably, supporting agriculture and freshwater reserves.
  • Operation of windmills: For centuries, windmills have been the economic backbone of many agricultural communities. Used to grind grain, pump water, and perform other mechanical tasks, this invention laid the foundation for wind turbines that today provide us with renewable energy.
  • Maritime navigation: Wind was crucial during the era of exploration and discovery. Without the ability to harness this natural resource, the great maritime expeditions that opened new trade routes and connections between continents wouldn't have been possible. Sailing ships, powered by wind, crossed oceans and facilitated the exchange of ideas, cultures, and goods, shaping our global history.

Since ancient times, wind has inspired and been useful to humankind. The first seafarers ventured into the unknown, relying on air currents to propel their sails. Today, centuries later, we continue to rely on this elemental force with a modern, sustainable perspective that seeks to harness its power without harming the environment. On this Global Wind Day, we pay tribute to this remarkable natural force and reflect on its vital role in mitigating climate change and building a more sustainable world.


Wind energy, key to climate change mitigation

When the gavel fell at COP28 in late 2023, a historic milestone was reached: nearly 200 governments agreed on the need to triple global renewable energy capacity and double energy efficiency improvements by 2030, moving towards a pathway that limits global warming to 1.5°C.

Wind energy was recognized in the final decision text as a key technology. And not without reason. In 2023, a record 117 GW of new wind power was installed worldwide, a 50% increase over the previous year.

Wind energy has emerged as a leading alternative to fossil fuels. Wind turbines transform wind momentum into electricity without polluting emissions, offering a clean, renewable solution that can power millions of homes and significantly reduce our carbon footprint.

According to a study published in ScienceDirect, wind power could account for more than 30% of total global electricity generation by the mid-21st century, when many countries expect to reach carbon neutrality. It could reduce CO2 emissions by 1,487 Mt by 2050 and 32,864 Mt by 2100.

The positive impact of wind energy is not limited to the environment. It also offers enormous economic benefits. The growing wind industry generates thousands of jobs in installation, maintenance, and research, revitalizing local communities and fostering regional development.

Moreover, as mentioned in this article, renewable installations are easily reversible. Repowering or dismantling can be carried out quickly and economically, and the land can be returned to its original state. Dismantling a wind farm or solar plant at the end of its useful life, or when necessary to replace them with more modern and efficient facilities, is technically simple, economically feasible, and environmentally sustainable.

Wind, with its invisible force and constant presence, offers us a unique opportunity to address climate change challenges. As we celebrate Global Wind Day, we not only recognize the importance of this renewable resource but also reaffirm our commitment to a cleaner, more sustainable future. At a time when every action counts, committing to wind energy is a decisive step towards mitigating climate change and protecting our planet.

