
Wind energy on Global Wind Day

More than one billion people around the world work in this sector directly or indirectly

Every June 15th, Global Wind Day is celebrated all over the world. It is an excellent opportunity to discover the possibilities of wind energy, one of the renewable energies with greater implantation worldwide and vital to reduce the polluting emissions. 

Today, the energy sector is responsible for two-thirds of global greenhouse gas emissions, the main cause of global warming. Wind energy not only has innumerable environmental benefits, but is also a sector that directly or indirectly employs almost 1.1 billion people worldwide according to REN21 (Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st century): 507 are in China, 331 in the European Union, 88 in the United States, 48 in India, 41 in Brazil, and 5 in Japan.

Así es el trabajo en el sector de la energía eólica

If you've ever wondered how work in the wind energy sector is done, you can see these videos that document the shipment of a wind turbine by sea, the foundation to lift the tower and the assembly of the windmill blades.