S.M.A.R.T. - Paths to Sustainability
34 authors from five continents to give their views on aspects of sustainable development.
In recent years especially, the concept of sustainability has been losing some of its significance, so that on occasions it becomes a banal term, empty of content. And yet everything that goes to make up sustainability now involves multiple aspects of our lives: at the social, as well as the environmental and economic, level.
To remind us of why it is so important to always have sustainability in mind, the book “S.M.A.R.T. - Paths to Sustainability”, recently presented at the International Book Fair in Guadalajara, Mexico, has brought together 34 authors from five continents to give their views on aspects of sustainable development which, in one way or another, are related to their specialist areas: economics, environment, architecture, landscape architecture, politics, finance, photography, art, communication and culture.
S.M.A.R.T. - Paths to Sustainability, by ACCIONA, is structured across nine thematic chapters that correspond to new challenges the world must face up to in the years to come:
- A Common Agenda at Last
- The Social Dimension of Sustainability
- Hardware versus Software and Mindware
- Water, Renewable Energy and Infrastructures
- Dialogue between Generations and Gender
- How We Finance the Transition
- Different Visions. One Planet, One City
- The Challenge of Transversality
- Communication for Change
The chapters include a careful selection of impressive photographs, accompanied by infographics, graphics, declarations and opinions from the best experts in the world in their respective specialties.
S.M.A.R.T.: It is possible to progress while preserving the planet
The aim of this work is to highlight that it is possible to progress while preserving the planet. To this end, the concept of S.M.A.R.T. – which consists of the terms Sustainability, Mitigation, Adaptation, Resilience and Transformation – is presented in the foreword of a work that seeks to become a reference in the study of sustainability from here onward.
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