
Earth Day 2016

Earth Day is dedicated this year to highlight the importance of trees for the planet. In addition, it is the day that the COP21 Agreement will be signed

Every April 22 the International Day of Mother Earth is celebrated around the world. It is an event reflected in the official calendar of the United Nations (UN) devised in 1970 by US Senator Gaylord Nelson.

Earth Day 2016

The goal of this World Day is to generate a common awareness of the current problems of the planet: overpopulation, pollution, conservation of biodiversity... Across the globe, hundreds of thousands of citizens demand and celebrate the care of their common household through various events.

Trees for the Earth

Since 2009, each edition of Earth Day is dedicated to a particular theme. This year the selected subject are the trees. Under the slogan "Trees for the Earth," Earth Day Network, organizer of the international event, wants to highlight the importance of trees for the survival of all living beings on the planet.

To complement the information campaign, the planting of 7.8 million trees will take place over the next five years. Earth Day Network notes the importance of trees highlighting the following keys:

- Trees help us fight climate change and breath clean air, they absorb the carbon dioxide (CO₂) excess and other pollutants.

- Trees help us counteract the loss of species by planting suitable trees for a better habitat connectivity.

- Trees help communities and their livelihoods, provide food, energy and income.

Paris Agreement ratification

In addition, in such a significant day as Earth Day, the signing of the Paris Agreement will also take place. The ceremony will be held on April 22 at the UN headquarters in New York. The agreement was approved at the COP21 last December by the 196 States that were part of the Framework Convention on Climate Change.

The Paris Agreement will be ratified on Earth Day

As a proof of the international interest aroused by the agreement, the UN has reported that "the signing ceremony takes place on the first day that the Agreement will be open for signatures, marking the first step toward ensuring that the Agreement enters into legal force as quickly as possible."


Are you going to celebrate in some special way the Earth Day 2016? Tell us and participate with your comments.

Y tú, ¿vas a celebrar de alguna manera especial el Día de la Tierra 2016? Cuéntanoslo y participa con tus comentarios.


SourcesONU and Earth Day.