What is a Smartcity? Top 5 Smart Cities
These cities use infrastructures, innovation and technology to reduce energy consumption and reduce emissions.
Smart cities, are the result of the growing importance of orienting our life toward sustainability. These cities use infrastructures, innovation and technology to reduce energy consumption and reduce CO2 emissions.
What do these sustainability measures consist in?
Using solar panels in cities, providing more means of transportation and electric vehicles, wind turbines on lampposts, solar panels on stop lights or signals, promoting and developing bicycle use... Smart Cities use a variety of resources, and these small actions help a city to become more efficient and sustainable.
What are the smartest cities in the world?
There are different parameters by which a city ranks more highly than another. To achieve this 10 key dimensions are considered: Governance, urban planning, public management, technology, environment, international projection, social cohesion, mobility and transportation, human capital and economy.
What are those smartest cities in our planet?
1. Tokyo:
Is the highest ranked city from the 2013 ranking, taking first place in human capital and public management. However, regarding social cohesion it has been pushed back because of the Fukushima earthquake and the subsequent tsunami.
2. London:
Has maintained high levels in almost every aspect, and especially stands out in international projection and technology. However, in public management and social cohesion it has relatively low scores.
3. New York:
Is the most populated city in the United States and the second most populated urban conglomeration after Mexico D. F. It is one of the most important cities with regard to human capital and world economy.
4. Zurich:
Is the main city in Switzerland, and is the financial hub and cultural center of the country. It stands out for its environmental, mobility and transportation aspects.
5. Paris:
Is the most popular tourist destination in the world, exceeding 40 million foreign tourists per year. It excels in international projection, technology, and mobility and transportation.
Since the perfect city doesn't exist, we must move toward that perfection with every means available. For example, Tokyo or New York, should improve their social cohesion. They should take advantage of information technology and communications to improve, while maintaining their commitment to the environment.
By 2050, according to the OECD, unless drastic measures are taken regarding economic and demographic growth these will have an unprecedented environmental and social impact. Since the majority of the population will concentrate in large cities, overcoming the challenge presented by over 2 billion additional inhabitants in 2050 becomes essential.