
How to turn your apartment into a sustainable home

With simple gestures and small modifications we can turn our home into a sustainable and environmentally friendly place

More and more homes are being built following the parameters of sustainable architecture: bioclimatic houses, buildings with Passivhaus certification, LEED and BREEAM certifications... However, most people live in houses and apartments that were not designed as living spaces that respect the environment; the aim was to build comfortable and functional homes in the most economical possible way.

Turn these homes into more sustainable places doesn't require a large outlay, we just need to be aware about environmental care and carry out minimal logistical adaptations. To transform our home into an eco-friendly environment we only have to get used to make a small gesture in the day by day.

Taking as a reference a flat or traditional apartment, with the usual rooms and a small terrace, we give you some tips on what actions and changes you can take to start caring for the environment ... and save some money!

 How to turn your apartment into a sustainable home