Benefits of trees in cities

Trees absorb carbon dioxide, the main cause of global warming. In this infographic we show the benefits of trees in the cities
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The integration of nature in urban environments is an objective that more and more cities are assuming as indispensable. Parks, gardens, coastal and river walks, groves... Endow metropolitan structures with plant life which positively affects  all their population. Do you want to know the most important effects? This infographic shows some of the benefits provided by trees in cities.

First off, trees function as an excellent natural thermoregulator. With their shade and the water vapor released by their leaves, they lower the temperature between 2 and 8 ºC on sunny days. In the same way, they prevent the quick evaporation of the water used to water the lawns, which means saving both natural resources and money.

Benefits of trees against climate change

Trees absorb carbon dioxide, which is the main cause of global warming, by storing carbon while releasing oxygen. They clean the air acting as purifiers, absorbing nitrogen oxide, ammonia, sulfur dioxide and ozone and returning oxygen to the atmosphere.

In addition, trees also benefit indigenous biodiversity, providing food and shelter for different types of animals that enrich the fauna of the environment. Furthermore it also benefits the population of the area as it provides fruits that reactivate the economy, like urban gardens do.

According to the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) trees in cities also help to revalue the area where they've been planted, helping to achieve an increase revenue of up to 20% in comparison to those areas of the city where there is no vegetation.

Finally, when it comes to physical exercise, for most people wooded areas pose a much better setting than the streets made up only of concrete and asphalt.

What are in your opinion the main benefits of trees in cities? Participate with your comments!

Benefits of trees in cities


Sources: FAO and Ecología Verde.