
Top 25 most influential twitterers on sustainability

Would you like to know what Twitter feeds you should follow if you are interested in sustainability?

Would you like to know what Twitter feeds you should follow if you are interested in #sostenibilidad (sustainability)? This ranking will show you the most influential ones regarding Sustainability, Corporate Social Responsibility, Socially Responsible Investment, Good Governance and Corporate Reputation.

Top 25 #sustainability

It´s not difficult to get lost in this large social network universe. If you aim at a more sustainable life, then you should know about these experts, professors, consultants, journalists, and so on. It´s not difficult to be informed by the best broadcasters and experts of these issues if you choose to follow the following twitterers:


In the media sphere, who are the most influential ones on sustainability?

1. Diario Responsable (@diarioresponsab) Newspaper on Enterprise Social Responsibility and Corporate Social Responsibility. #RSE Glocal

2. Corresponsables (@corresponsables) Corresponsables is at the head of MediaResponsable´s media magazine, specialised in Enterprise Social Responsibility and Sustainability.

3. El País, Planeta Futuro (@planeta_futuro) Planeta Futuro is a section about global, fair and sustainable development in the newspaper @El_País

4. SeResponsable (@seresponsable) A prominent digital newspaper about Social Responsibility and Sustainability. On SeResponsable they work to promote a sustainable culture. They discuss #ResponsabilidadSocial #RSE, #ESR, #RSC, and #Sustentabilidad.

5. Servimedia (@servimedia) Integrated into Grupo de Empresas of @ONCE_Oficial y @Fundacion_ONCE, Servimedia is a leading information and communication agency in the social arena.

Companies and institutions

Many companies and institutions are also important in sustainable affairs:

1. Fundación Once (@fundacion_once) An important centre of social and working integration for the disabled.

2. Fundación Adecco (@fund_adecco) A foundation devoted to employment and diversity management in companies, supporting people with disabilities.

3. Ilunion (@ilunion) A business group belonging to @ONCE_oficial y @Fundacion_ONCE, socially responsible and sustainable. They define their philosophy as “People who work for people.”

4. CERMI Estatal (@cermi_estatal) A Spanish committee made up of people representing others with disabilities. Over 7,000 associations fight for their rights in a country with 3.8 million people with disabilities.

5. Economía Justa (@economiajusta) Economistas sin Fronteras is an NGO for development, founded in 1997 by a group of professors and lecturers actively committed and concerned about inequality and poverty.

Professors, authors, journalists and experts

It´s also interesting to follow professors, authors, journalists and experts on different areas related to #sostenibilidad (sustainability). The most influential ones are:

1. Carmen Agramunt (@cagramunt) She writes about Enterprise Social Responsibility, learning, social media and health. She is now working freelance as a Community Manager for entrepreneurs and companies that need this service but do not have enough experience, time or resources.

2. Juan Royo (@juanroyoabenia) An economist and Spanish comic critic, specialised in Corporate Social Responsibility. He is a professor at Universidad de Zaragoza and CESTE Escuela de Negocios, as well as a fellow researcher at ECODES.

3. Josep M. Lozano (@josepmlozano) A professor in the Social Science Department at ESADE Business School.

4. Alberto Andreu (@aandreup) A professional in Organisational Behaviour and Culture at Telefónica, and former manager of Enterprise Social Responsibility. He is also a fellow professor at the School of Economics and BA from Universidad de Navarra.

5. Jose Luis Montes (@joseluismontes) He has been a member of multinationals and a successful businessman for 20 years, while at the same time being a writer, lecturer, consultant and leader of sectorial organisations. Currently, he also collaborates as an advisor to several NGOs and foundations. He runs the non-profit organisation Movimiento Wikihap-piness, of which he is the founder.

6. Jordi Jaumà Bru (@dresponsable) An editor of Diario Responsable, founding member of Alternativa Responsable and advisor at Transparencia Internacional España.

7. Edita Olaizola (@editaola) Director of Ecosistema Interno on People plus! Profit. She has worked in Consultores sin Fronteras, among others, and is a specialist in Enterprise Social Responsibility.

8. Jose Carlos González (@jcarlosgonz) Director of Corporate Social Responsibility and SRI – Sostenibilidad in Comfia – CCOO. COMFIA – CCOO is a federation joined by people working in the banking and administration sectors of CCOO, one of the leading unions in Spain.

9. Lucio Fernández (@lucio_fl) A Human Resources and Enterprise Social Responsibility director at logistic company Redyser.

10. Utopian Cervera (@paco_cervera) Francisco Cervera is a professor and economist, member of Economistas sin Fronteras.


Find out the top 5 in sustainability issues worldwide:

1. WWF (@wwf ) One of the greatest international organisations for the preservation of nature. They promote the construction of a #futuro en el que los #humanos vivan en armonía con ella (a future in which humans live in harmony with nature).

2. Patagonia (@patagonia) A sportswear company. Not only does Patagonia spread news about the company, but also shows links to great stories and advertises new products, sales and special offers.

3. IFC (@ifc_org) IFC official Twitter feed, member of the World Bank Group, focusing on the developing countries´ private sector.

4. Naomi (@naomiaklein) A journalist and author, Naomi Klein discusses the profound causes of modern dangers to the planet. A member of the board of 350.org, writes for The Guardian Harper´s Magazine and The Nation, among others. Her latest book is Capitalism vs. the Climate (2014).

5. Bill (@billmckibben) An author, educator, ecologist and founder of 350.org, an organisation which builds a “climate movement” through campaigns, projects and actions focused on climate change, with bottom-up strategies promoted by leaders in 188 countries.

This ranking is made by Leaderboarded, an external tool which makes the list by taking as a base the users´ social interactions and their influence online according to their weekly and monthly measurements (facilitated by Klout, which ranks the influence from 1-100).

You now know who to follow if you want to know about the latest on sustainability, Corporate and Enterprise Social Responsibility, etc. Seize all the new developments to lead a more sustainable life!

What about you? Would you like to recommend any other Twitter user? Did you know some of the ones presented here? Share with us!

*More information: https://www.leaderboarded.com/top-200-rse and https://www.leaderboarded.com/csr-business