
How does the internet help with sustainability?

Sustainability also makes use of new technologies, in order to bring knowledge to the user.

This May 17, internet day will be celebrated. This online project arises from society itself and is for and from it. Thanks to this new occasion, knowledge can be shared on new technological advances. And this, directly affects the quality of life of the society and, also, in communication on sustainability.

How does the internet help sustainability?

Sustainability also makes use of new technologies, in order to bring knowledge to the user. Thus, concepts like renewable energies, greenhouse gases, global warming, recycling... become simple, understandable and normal concepts, at a time in which sustainable development is more pressing than ever.

So, raising awareness in the public and giving them information on sustainability, is simpler and more obtainable thanks to these new technologies.

The Internet helps to bring sustainability to the entire population, with up-to-date information and day-to-day solutions, through which the internet user can make their life more sustainable. In this way, we can communicate globally, without borders. Providing education on sustainability involves a change, which is necessary, in society, to raise awareness of the importance of our daily actions for contributing to more sustainable development.

What other advantages does the internet offer for sustainability?

The most important, is the savings on paper that it provides, since if we want to consult any information, even bills, publications... we do it on a computer, saving large amounts of paper.

We can also use Apps or programs on a daily basis that will help us to live a more sustainable life, like those dedicated to energy savings and even those that calculate our carbon footprint.

By sharing studies, official reports, the results of our daily habits on the environment... The ICT give us infinite possibilities to develop as environmentally aware societies in balanced development with the environment.

Enjoy internet day on the web page www.diadeinternet.org, where you will find all of the information that you need.